Although she navigates a world in turmoil, Jane stands out with her athletic and graceful demeanor, a result of her dedicated study of martial arts since her early years. Her gleaming white hair symbolizes unwavering determination and seems to unveil the trials she has endured. An enigmatic scar stretches from her cheek to her chin, adding an air of mystery to her personality, while perpetually evoking an enigmatic past accident.

Her silhouette, sculpted by years of discipline, embodies a harmony between raw power and agility. Each of her movements conveys inner strength and natural elegance. As a staunch defender of justice and the environment, Jane channels her passion and martial arts expertise to embody a warrior both intricate and captivating, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead.



As a biology student, Jane is deeply disturbed by how her close relatives and other members of the wealthy community have contributed to the exploitation of natural resources and the destruction of the environment.

After thorough research into Syntech, the main perpetrator of ecological disasters, she exposes her own family’s involvement in practices contrary to environmental protection. Determined to awaken their awareness, she attempts to reveal the reality, present alternatives, and offer her support. However, a violent family dispute drives her to leave her home and luxurious lifestyle.

Seeking solace, Jane finds refuge among a circle of friends, including her close companion Ember. This pause allows her to gain perspective and contemplate this unsettling situation. Nonetheless, the information she uncovers about Syntech is closely monitored, leading to a discreet deployment of a robotic unit to retrieve the microchip.

But Ember and her group are members of Jane’s combat club and refuse to be defeated. The situation quickly escalates into a full-blown tragedy, resulting in several injuries and fatalities.

Jane becomes acutely aware of Syntech’s destructive power and realizes she must flee to protect her loved ones from the escalating situation. She dedicates extended periods to the search for a secure and confidential haven where she can wage her battle against Syntech. Eventually, she receives an anonymous lead guiding her to an abandoned location she had explored in her childhood. Intuitively sensing her mother’s involvement and the risks she took to reach out, Jane promptly heads to the site, uncovering an old secret bunker known only to her and her mother.

To be continued …

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